Have you heard of the term 'Tarot Birth Card'?
Every card in a Tarot deck has a numerological equivalent.
If you’re already familiar with Numerology, you probably understand a little about the power, meaning and symbolism contained in the numbers 1 – 9 and these same meanings translate through to Tarot as well.
You'll need to know your life path number, which is as easy as adding up the numbers in your birthday for example:
19.08.1994 = 1+9+8+1+9+9+4 = 41 = 4+1 = 5
Once you have your life path number on hand, read on and discover how the Tarot aligns with your numerological energy matrix!
Life Path 1 – The Magician

Positive Traits
✧ You see opportunity everywhere…and you take great pleasure in making things happen. ✧ You have an outside the box mentality. ✧ You don’t care too much what other people think of you. ✧ The people surrounding you are alway inspired by your consistent ability to chase after what you want! ✧ You’re an amazing problem-solver, able to easily identify what’s needed to put things right.
Shadow Traits
✧ Because you are an ideas factory...finishing what you start or finding a path and sticking to it can be rather difficult. You might find you lack focus, getting distracted by more exciting things.
✧ Constant movement both mentally and physically can be exhausting...remember that inwards reflection is the remedy.
Strongest Compatibility
Chariot (Life Path 7)
Empress (Life Path 3)
High Priestess (Life Path 2/11)
Life Path (2 or 11) – The Priestess

Positive Traits
✧ You have the ability to see and hear things other people can't...your emotional and psychic perception is heightened. ✧ You often find you know people better than they seem to know themselves. ✧ You have a quiet presence, thinking first and speaking only if necessary ✧ Your sense of self-understanding is very developed, and you have a willingness to continually explore the depths of your own mental and emotional realms. ✧ Your friends are very close. you may not have many but the ones you have picked you will value to no end.
Shadow Traits
✧ People often interpret you as aloof or impenetrable and you do have a tendency to seem like you ‘know it all’.
✧ You may find it hard to let people get close to you.
✧ You might have trouble lightening up from time to time. Not everything has to be about deep meaning – remember to relax and enjoy life’s simpler pleasures sometimes!
✧ You have a tendency to overwhelm people with your complicated ideas. Try to bring things back to the realm of the real to avoid being confusing!
Strongest Compatibility
Hierophant (Life Path 5)
Hermit (Life Path 9)
Life Path 3 – The Empress

Positive Traits
✧ You are generous and nurturing.
✧ You’re great with your hands – crafting, building, cooking, DIY, gardening…
✧ You notice the smaller things in life and find pleasure in these details.
✧ You know what you want, and how to ask for it – or create it for yourself.
Shadow Traits
✧ You have a tendency to be sulky and spoiled if things don't go your way
✧ Materialism can be a little too high on the priority list
✧ You can be too confined to your comfort zone
✧ Possessiveness may happen more often than is healthy
Strongest Compatibility
Lover (Life Path 6)
Chariot (Life Path 7)
Magician (Life Path 1)
Emperor (Life Path 4)
Life Path 4 – The Emperor
Positive Traits
✧ Leadership.
✧ Your love of structure means you’re good at keeping things on the straight and narrow – rules are there for a reason!
✧ You’re reliable and others recognise this.
✧ You’re hardworking and resilient – not easily phased by challenges or setbacks.
Shadow Traits
✧ You can be a little difficult to work with because of your strict 'rule following' tendencies
✧ You may have an "I'm always right" mentality that's offputting
✧ You can be too business-minded sometimes – it doesn’t always have to be about profit.
✧ You may find it hard to see others’ point of view.
Strongest Compatibility
Chariot (Life Path 7)
Empress (Life Path 3)
Fortitude (Life Path 8)
Life Path 5 – The Hierophant
Positive Traits
✧ People come to you for help because of your calm and warm demeanour.
✧ You are intelligent and a good communicator, sharing your wisdom readily with others, people listen when you speak.
✧ You are a great listener.
✧ You have a great skill for self development, understanding what you need to embrace and what you need to remove from your life.
✧ You have a strong sense of social responsibility.
Shadow Traits
✧ Despite your warmth, people may be put off by an aloof quality in you.
✧ You may struggle to forge your own path
✧ You can be impatient with the world's inability to implement strategy based on experience and history.
✧ People can easily become dependent on you – it takes effort on your part to discourage this.
Strongest Compatibility
Emperor (Life Path 4)
High Priestess (Life Path 2/11)
Lover (Life Path 6)
Hermit (Life Path 9)
Magician (Life Path 1)
Life Path 6 – The Lovers
Positive Traits
✧ If something isn’t working for you, you won’t waste time on it.
✧ You know how to bring the different elements of yourself into play at the same time, understanding that a person is never just ‘one thing’.
✧ You understand that there are always at least two sides to a story and try to see both before making your mind up about anything.
✧ You’re a great communicator.
Shadow Traits
✧ When things don’t live up to your expectations, you tend to take this really hard.
✧ You can be unrealistic, and at times, very dualistic.
✧ You have a habit of leaving projects unfinished because another one has caught your attention.
Strongest Compatibility
The most experimental, no certain type will be more compatible
Life Path 7 – The Chariot

Positive Traits
✧ You know how to play to your strengths. ✧ You don’t procrastinate and you have great leadership skills, you know how to succeed! ✧ You understand that you are the master of your own destiny.
Shadow Traits
✧ You have a tendency to not always see the full picture. ✧ You can be easily frustrated by people whose approach is different to your own. ✧ You may feel like your goals and ambitions are more important than everyone else’s.
Strongest Compatibility
Hermit (Life Path 9)
Magician (Life Path 1)
Life Path 8 – Fortitude

Positive Traits
✧ You understand yourself well, and always endeavour to live life in a way that is true to your souls desires.
✧ Emotions are your biggest driver, however you don't let them get the best of you.
✧ You are wonderful at bringing people together and helping them overcome their differences to get along as one.
✧ You are a loyal and reliable friend.
Shadow Traits
✧ You may feel like your opinion is never heard and others treat you like a doormat.
✧ Though you’re proud of your ability to keep your emotions under control, it can be hard for you to express yourself.
Strongest Compatibility
You are open and kind, no certain type will be more compatible
Life Path 9 – The Hermit
Positive Traits
✧ You think deeply, you're attentive to detail.
✧ You have the kind of focus that will enable you to climb high in whatever you do.
✧ You are deeply comfortable in your own company and rarely feel insecure.
✧ You’re a very spiritual person – always looking for the deeper meaning in life.
Shadow Traits
✧ You can be somewhat detached, which can sometimes bring about loneliness.
✧ Your focus and depth of thought can sometimes be a block to lighthearted enjoyment of life.
✧ You can come off as a know-it-all.
✧ You may find it hard to let people get close to you.
Strongest Compatibility
Lover (Life Path 6)
High Priestess (Life Path 2/11)
Chariot (Life Path 7)
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