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Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Moving Forward Tarot/Oracle Spread
How can you take the next steps out f a situation that is perhaps holding you in a repetitive pattern or bringing you out of alignment...

Prism + Fleur
2 min read
New Year Tarot & Oracle Spread Reading
A New Year Tarot Spread for Illuminating the Path Ahead As we stand at the threshold of a brand new year, it's essential to set...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Altar Cloths - what are they, and how to use them
What is an Altar Cloth/Altar Scarf? Simply put, an altar cloth/scarf is a fabric laid upon a surface with the intention of making a place...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
True North Tarot / The End of an Era
True North Tarot is no longer in print, after years of True North blessing the Prism + Fleur store, 2023 saw the last copies of this...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Soul Gate Amulets ✷ Ishk & Prism + Fleur
S O U L G A T E Portal to the Ethereal Realms : : Designed in collaboration with Ishk Jewels : : Hand drawn by Paige from Prism &...

Prism + Fleur
2 min read
22.2.22 Paradigm Shift - 22 feb 2022
This is the end of a 2 frequency sequence that started back in 2000, with other key years of 2002, 2020 and 2022. We won’t see this...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Symbolism in Accurate AF Tarot
Tarot cards are filled with underlying symbolism hidden within their dreamy imagery. Each element of the Accurate AF Tarot is...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Gnosis :: an Esoteric Reference Library
Gnosis is defined as 'knowledge of Spiritual mysteries' This is a curated archive of information which I return to frequently in my own...

Prism + Fleur
2 min read
5 things you need to know about your tarot deck....
5 things you need to know about your tarot deck....
Learning tarot? Here is your quick guide to understand some common myths!

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
"Jumping" Tarot Cards
A “jumping card” is Tarot slang for a card that falls or 'jumps' out of a deck during the shuffling process. Newer readers who might...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Exploring the Subconscious - Tarot Spread
Tarot/Oracle spread for self awareness Spread features the Accurate AF Tarot Deck, available Here Card 1: This card represents your...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Let Go & Flow Tarot/Oracle Spread
Spread features the Accurate AF Tarot Deck, available Here Card 1: What needs to be let go? Card 2: Why is this necessary? Card 3: How...

Prism + Fleur
2 min read
Free Your Mind Tarot/Oracle Spread
As you draw cards for each position, contemplate the messages they convey. Allow the symbolism and energies to speak to your intuition...

Prism + Fleur
6 min read
The Moon in the Signs
When the Moon visits Aries, ♈️ it’s time for a more daring and pioneering you! Out with the old, in with the new! When the Moon transits...

Prism + Fleur
3 min read
New Year Tarot/Oracle Spread
A Reflective Spread for the New Year: Embracing Transition with Intention As one year ends and another begins, we find ourselves in a...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Partnership Tarot or Oracle Spread
This spread is designed for two people who are romantically involved. Each person in turns draws a card and places as shown above...Keep...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Crystal Interview Tarot or Oracle Spread
Find out what knowledge a crystal has to impart with you... 1. What is the best way to work together? 2. What would you like to help me...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
3 Card Tarot or Oracle Spread
The 3 Card spread is very different as there is not one fixed purpose, or meaning to each card position. Instead it is completely dynamic...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Attainment Spread
The Attainment spread is useful for finding out ways to achieve goals through understanding your strengths/weaknesses and how to address...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
True Love Tarot/Oracle Spread
This spread is very useful to evaluate your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connections with your partner. 1. This card...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
New Moon Tarot or Oracle Spread
The new moon is a time of cleansing and of growth; it is an invitation to make a change and foster part of yourself that is missing. Just...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
I Need Advice Spread
Self explanatory! Clear your mind and let the cards tell you what you need to know... 1. You as you are now 2. Are you on the correct...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Career Path Spread
Questioning your direction? Need affirmation? Look no further.... 1. Is my current career path what I truly desire? 2. Actions that can...

Prism + Fleur
1 min read
Success Spread
Got a big obstacle? don't know how to approach it? This one is an excellent situational spread to use! The success spread helps you to...
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